Thursday, November 13, 2008

My baby girl

My baby girl is heading to Africa--Uganda in particular...she is doing her semester abroad there. It is SO far away! But, this is everything she has dreamed of, hoped for, and prayed about, for many years--and now it is coming true. I have known for years that this would happen, and even now it feels so right. But, it feels so
BIG! Africa is FAR! So please be praying as we prepare for this journey, and this time apart. Not only will she be studying at the University there for the Spring semester, she will also be staying on to serve in a short term mission project. These are all wonderful and amazing opportunities, and we praise the Lord for His guidance, provision, and blessings.

Monday, July 7, 2008


It is summer now..the lazy hazy days of summer....the two middle kids are home from college, and Christopher is on summer break in Pennsylvania. What a challenge this year, to get the summer are needed, direction is being prayed health issues have persisted ...and I am praying to stay in that peaceful place of trusting the Lord. I have been tempted many times this summer to take my eyes off Christ, and give in to worry...I just keep on praying, and bringing my attitude before God.
For every anxious thought that threatens me, I am confessing it...for every moment that my heart is tempted to stray to unbelief, I am taking my thoughts captive...the Lord will help me keep those thoughts at bay--His power is made perfect in weakness!
I am so thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has truly poured out on me...I am surrounded by kids and their sweethearts, who love me, support me, and are there for me unconditionally. A husband who is a ROCK...and most importantly, my Savior, who NEVER fails me...who NEVER sleeps or slumbers...who remains my steadfast anchor.
Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Maria Sue Chapman's Memorial Service

I received this email from a friend, which was sent to her--describing the amazing way Christ was glorified at the memorial service for Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter...
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your prayers for the Chapman family. They certainly have felt the love of God over the past few days from all those who have lifted them up in prayer during this unimaginably difficult time.

Kari and I are flying back to LA as I write after an amazing two days in Nashville. This was life changing. The name of the Lord was exalted in ways that we could never retell. We are in awe at His grace, compassion and mercy. Little Maria's life, although short, has already moved mightily in peoples lives to bring Him glory.

Last night the entire family stood in the church as a long line of friends and acquaintances greeted them, hugged them, cried with them and loved on them. The Chapman family and Steven's ministry has obviously impacted so many. They stood there for more than 4 hours before one of the pastors finally stopped it and had hundreds still remaining in line just sit down and then Steven apologetically, but so graciously addressed the entire group.

At the funeral, both Michael W. Smith and Matt Redman helped lead everyone in worship. Matt led us in a song we often sing that he wrote, "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord." It was amazing to watch the Chapman family sing with loud voices as they hugged one another, "He gives and takes away. He gives and takes away. My heart will choose to say, 'Lord, blessed be your name.'" This song will never be the same to me personally.

We worshipped and sang for 30-minutes. And then the Chapman's celebrated Maria by sharing stories and talking about her for almost an hour and a half, praising God for her life and acknowledging that she was safe in the arms of Jesus. All the while pictures of Maria flashed on two big screens behind the stage - her little white casket at the foot of the stage. She was buried in the "flower girl" dress she was going to wear in Emily's upcoming wedding.

Jeff Moore sang Steven's song "With Hope" which Steven wrote for a family years ago, going through the same type of tragedy. All of Maria's little friends came forward and placed a flower at the foot of the casket while Jeff sang.

The Chapmans are unwaivering in their love for Christ and doing well. Their entire family was a display of faith in practice at the most difficult time of their lives. No one in the family wore shoes, because the veil had been lifted for Maria. They were on "Holy Ground" and God's presence was felt.

Caleb (19) said in his prayer, "while we've always been excited about Heaven, it seems so much more real now...and gets us that much more excited to be there ourselves someday. So we'll live life on Earth as if each day counts until we get there.". He also said that although they are "confused" they've never been so sure about Christ and His saving grace. Caleb likened this to one of those abstract pictures that when you're up close, you can't see what it is, but as you step back, you start to see what the artist wants you to see. He said, "And this is a big picture, so we may have to stand waaayyy back."... but we will see what the Artist has designed and what the picture is.
He has his dad's wisdom - well beyond his years.

Emily Chapman (22) just got engaged and said that after the proposal, Maria was the only one who asked, "What did you say?". Maria asked it multiple times. (Of course Emily said "yes" to her future husband). But Emily addressed the 3000+ crowd and turned Maria's question back to everyone listening in regards to their answer to Christ's proposal to each of us,. "What did you say?". Powerful under these circumstances. The good news of the Gospel was presented four times throughout the ceremony by the family.

Steven was a rock and just gave all the glory to God. The model of a humble, Godly man. I'm so proud to call him a friend. His humility and appreciation for everyone there, which was a testament to his character and his sincere faith and love for his God and His son, Jesus Christ. As he hugged and cried with Kari and I, he just kept reminding us that "Heaven is real."

Steven shared that after the accident, in the hospital, he held Maria's lifeless body and cried out to God. He cried out, asking to somehow see some kind of sign that she was going to be see that she was going to be safe. When they got home that night, they found the last picture Maria drew on that Wednesday afternoon on her little art table (she loved to draw!). It was a flower and a butterfly and folded in half like a card. When Steven opened the card up, she had written one word on the inside - a word he didn't even know she knew how to spell. It was "See." A simple answer to his cry to 'see' that she was safe.

Please keep praying for them. They are worn out, sad and yet rejoicing in the Lord. Please pray for Will Franklin Chapman. He seems to be the one that is having the hardest time and struggling with the guilt of the accident. It truly was an accident. Will pulled the car into the driveway and because the family was throwing a party that night for Caleb's graduation, he decided to back the car up onto the grass just as Maria ran out behind the car to welcome him home. There was no way for him to know that Maria was behind that car. The Lord was ready to take Maria home. He knew the number of her days. We stood with Maria's favorite pink blanket draped over his shoulders both days.

All in all God was glorified. Praise Him for His sovereign ways.

Rick (and Kari)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dr. Charles Stanley "A Nation at War"

A Nation at War

by Dr. Charles Stanley

Ecclesiastes 3:8 states that there is a "time for war and a time for peace." In these times of warfare, we often ask, "How should we respond? What should be our attitude?" We will find biblical answers for these questions when we explore the ultimate issue: What does the Word of God say about warfare?

When a nation goes to war, God’s people need to fully understand their heavenly Father’s viewpoint about this matter. Naturally, God is not excited about war. He does not enjoy bloodshed and vengeance. However, He is dealing with a world of people who have a fallen nature—sinful, wicked and vile. Romans 3:10-11,15-17 describes mankind without God: "…there is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God. . . . Their feet are swift to shed blood, destruction and misery are in their paths, and the path of peace they have not known."

God battles with people who oppose Him, who fight against Him and His followers. So, even though He hates war, God is not against it. Throughout the Old Testament, there are examples of God using warfare to carry out His plans, to punish the wicked and preserve His people (Deut. 9:4-6; Deut. 20; Jer. 5; Numbers 33:55-56). You may think, "How could God do that?" He says in Isaiah 55:9, "My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts." God has divine reasons for choosing to use war as a vehicle to accomplish His will.

In Scripture, God clearly establishes the government’s responsibilities and authority over us, as well. In Romans 13:1 and 4, Paul writes, "every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. . .for it [the government] is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil."

The government is ordained by God with the right to promote good and restrain evil. This includes wickedness that exists within the nation, as well as any wicked persons or countries that threaten foreign nations. Obviously, there are times when a country should not go to war; but there are also times when, if a nation does not do so, they suffer the consequences. Therefore, a government has biblical grounds to go to war in the nation’s defense or to liberate others in the world who are enslaved.

You may think, "Well, how do we reconcile that with what Jesus said about loving our enemies and turning the other cheek?" (Luke 6:27-30) In that passage, Jesus was speaking to us as individuals. If someone treats us badly, we should love him anyway. We can pray for our enemies, and do good to those who hate us. The way someone treats an individual is one thing; the way he treats an entire nation is a completely different issue. The Bible teaches that it is the responsibility of the government’s leaders to protect the nation against those who would destroy it.

The Bible also instructs citizens in the proper way to respond when their country goes to war. For example, it is a violation of the Word of God to refuse to defend your country if ordered. Recall Romans 13:1-2: "every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God. . .Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves." According to this verse, we’re to be submissive to the laws of the land. The only reason we have for disobeying the government is if it requires us to behave in a way that clearly violates some specific verse or command of God (Acts 5:27-32).

Someone might say, "But I can’t go to war because shooting the enemy would be murder, and the Bible says ‘you shall not murder’"(Exodus 20:13). Actually, when a man in combat shoots his enemy under the command of the government, without personal hatred, he is not committing murder. Instead, he is simply being obedient to the purpose for which he is fighting. To commit murder, a person must have vengeance and hatred against another. Many men have died on the battlefield without animosity toward anyone--they were fighting for a cause, defending or freeing their land. Therefore, if called, it is a citizen’s national and biblical responsibility to defend his country.

Even if we do not actually participate in the fighting, we are also called to create unity and harmony within the country. We need to support whatever decisions our nation makes, as long as they do not directly violate the Word of God. How can we justify the protests and marches against war? I understand that, in America, for example, we have a right to express our different opinions. However, there comes a time when our personal opinion is not a priority. The only reason we have the freedom to protest in this country is because thousands were willing to die for that liberty in the past.

Instead of resisting, we should offer to serve the war effort in any way possible during this time, especially by encouraging and helping the families of our soldiers. And the most important and powerful thing we can do for our nation is pray. Pray for our President, leaders, military, and even our enemies. God honors the prayers of His children and expects us to support those in authority.

Despite the many different opinions and philosophies about war, the most important consideration is God’s viewpoint. Throughout Scripture there is evidence that God favors war for divine reasons and sometimes uses it to accomplish His will. He has also given governments and their citizens very specific responsibilities in regards to this matter. This is a frightening time for all of the world’s citizens, but it is also a time for God’s people to rise up as a unified body against the global threat of evil and terror. I challenge you, as a child of God, to respond to this conflict as He desires: with an attitude of prayer, submission, and an unwavering dependence upon your heavenly Father.

Charles F. Stanley

Monday, April 21, 2008

In the midst...

The trees are in full bloom! The air is heavy with the scent of flowers and grass...I planted some pansies, purple and beautiful!
My heart is heavy as a new friend is on her way out of this world, this world that is just waking up after a long winter. She has battled like a warrior, brave and strong and committed. She is surrounded by her family...and I pray that in this most difficult 0f times that she can find true peace.
My friend JoAnn sent me a card the other day that really touched my heart--it is entitled

"In the Midst"

When we are going through tough times in our lives,
Jesus doesn't stand on the outside of our difficulties and cheer us on.
Jesus is in the center.
He is the God who is in the midst of each thing we walk through in life.
He is there to speak to us,
to calm the storm,
to assure us of victory,
and to walk with us into a new day--Roy Lessin

Monday, April 14, 2008


Alan, Carrie, and little Blake
*Hi everyone--Just wanted to share the praise regarding my sister-law Carrie. She had her double mastectomy on Friday, and came home yesterday (Sunday)! So far, the report is that the lymph nodes were clear. The biopsy from the breasts has not come back yet. We know it is cancer, but we don't know the spread within them etc. Her pain level is a 7 on the scale of 1-10. It only hit a 10 on the drive home from the hospital--she said it feels like an elephant is on her chest, but even with that, she says it with a smile! For now, she will begin saline injections into the area to prepare her chest for the implants, which will come in about 3 months. Not sure how all that works, but she is good with ALL of it! So we are praising God for His mercy, and such tender care.

*I start physical therapy for *possible* cervical vertigo, tomorrow. The ear nose and throat doctor thinks that the dizziness may stem from this. I am thrilled to have a potential diagnosis for the faint/dizzy situation! Still waiting for the results of the MRI of my abdomen. God is good, every single day...

Psalm 28:6,7

Praise be to the LORD,
for he has heard my cry for mercy.

7 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to him in song.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Another week...another chance...

Have I mentioned that God is good..every day? Well, He is ...and not because I say so...although I DO say so! He says so...

" Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is GOOD; for His loving kindness is everlasting"
Psalms 107:1

I am facing a bunch of tests this week and next...had the colonoscopy yesterday. I took so much out of me, more than I would have thought it would.. somehow the procedure ended up triggering a bigger flare up of the pain they are trying to diagnose. So, I have spent more time here in the house--praying and seeking God's answer. He gave me so much peace when I was waiting for the procedure to begin...clearly His peace...
I know He will take care of me..He tells me so, and I believe Him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008



Don't send a lame eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Monday, March 24, 2008


I love it so much when the kids come home...what joy it is to my heart! We got to decorate eggs..we got to spend time together for 3 days! All 4 kids! It was such a good visit--Craig and all 3 boys got to go to sunrise service. We all made it to church--and I made it through the whole service...what a blessing.
I am reminded of the truth of this celebration . Christ took my sins to the cross...He bore the punishment for my own sin. Sometimes I can't bear the thought of it. Thinking of the suffering He endured breaks my heart--and at the same time I am so thankful--so grateful for that sacrifice. all so that I could go to heaven. I am overjoyed at the thought of His love for me! I pray for the salvation of my family and friends who don't know what He has done. Peace is available...just believe!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today is a new day. Full of hope..full of promise. Craig is away with Mikey, and I miss him! He is such a strength in my life! But as Craig and Mike flew off on their Colorado adventure, Nicholas came home on spring break! So I am not here by myself at all--I am so thankful! I am thanking God to have had a few more tests and appointments on my journey with my health challenge. I am heading for an MRI of the liver and pancreas. Other tests coming up as well. All part of the answer, all part of going forward. I want to make things very clear here on my blog. I am having tremendously challenging health issues...but I am in the Lord's care. I cannot say it isn't hard, and I can't say it isn't scary--it IS scary. But, the part I want to make very clear is that I do trust God with it all. There are times when I am repeating Scripture over and over--I remind myself that there is NOTHING that the Lord doesn't know, there is NOTHING He cannot do. At the end of the day the point of it all is that this is only temporary. It is for a season...He holds my future in His capable hands. I am His servant. I am His child. Nothing can happen to me that He hasn't given permission for. With that in mind, I want to clearly say that if you are suffering, He cares. He cares so very much. He can give His peace to you in the midst of the storm. He is the immovable anchor---the stronghold. When you are His child, nothing can separate you from His protection. Nothing can remove you from His protection.He never changes, and I encourage you, the reader, to see for yourself.

Monday, March 10, 2008


As I listen, I hear God speaking to me...He is speaking to me through His creation today...the creation cries out its praise to the Creator!
The birds chirp their cheerful greetings---God speaks.
The sun is streaming though the window, lighting the room and also my heart---God speaks.
The iris are pushing through the garden soil tentatively..bright green and promising---God speaks..
The air is light and fragrant, and smells of the weekend's rain---God speaks..
The crocus are appearing, bright and full of the promise of spring---God speaks...
The sky is painted light blue , with the Artist's palette---God speaks...
The salty air reminds me of the majestic sea...
the crashing waves...the ebb and the flow...dependable tides---God is speaking to me...
The sun sets..the sun also rises. Seasons come and then they go. Dependable reminders of our Creator, who is also orderly.
God is always speaking..His Word reminds us that all these things come from His hand--the world cries out its praise. The heaven's declare His glory--and so do I!

Monday, March 3, 2008

His Eye is on the Sparrow

Today I begin I begin the journey again, on a different pathway. Thanking the Lord for the news that I DO NOT have a Pheochromocytoma--I am overjoyed about this! But I do not know what the answer is, and I need to pursue that answer. I am reminded that the Lord meets ALL of my needs, not my potentially PERCEIVED needs. Do I NEED a diagnosis to have joy? No, I don't. Do I NEED a diagnosis to move forward ? No, I definitely don't. Is it difficult NOT knowing? YES! an absolute yes. But today I know more than I did last week...I know what I DON'T have. I need to go forward today and make some appointments, and I need to make them with confidence. I am so thankful to have had 3 better days IN A ROW, which have allowed me to go to a women's ministry meeting Friday night, as well as church AND home fellowship group yesterday! It has been weeks and weeks since I could manage all that. I do NOT know what has made the difference in the dizziness and faintness, and I do not know what today brings, but I am encouraged to move foreard and make the necessary appointments that I need to make. Praying for doctor's wisdom. Praying for relief from the pain in my side. Praying for continued strength to deal with the symptoms. Praising the Lord for my new mattress that I fondly refer to as the "Miracle mattress"...I am nearly sleeping through the night since it arrived Thursday! Praising the Lord for my church family, that has been a constant support and encouragement to me and my family every single day.

Craig heads to Colorado this Friday for business, and is taking Mikey along with him. This is a wonderful opportunity for Michael and Craig to have some quality alone time, and actually is a dream come true for Mike. As happy as I am for them to have this chance, having Craig be far away is a bit unnerving to me at this time. As I thought about how hesitant I am about Craig being away right now, I had a picture of a sparrow flash in my mind--God cares about these tiny helpless creatures. HE cares about them, and He takes pleasure in them. He pays attention to each one. He knows THEIR condition, and He cares. How much more does He care for ME, His own child? How much more, as He counts every hair on my He knows my every anxious thought and holds my tears in a jar. He is exceedingly able to carry my burdens, and to carry ME! I praise Him for that. I thank Him for His tender care, and for His protection. I thank Him for the tiny sparrow, whose cheerful chirps cry out their praise to the Creator! How much MORE should my praise be heard !!

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father… So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)


His Eye is on the Sparrow

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I received my test results today from NIH--I do NOT have an adrenaline producing tumor. I am praising the Lord for this wonderful news! ... I will go see my primary care doctor tomorrow to hopefully make a plan.
Praising God for His constant care for me and my family....God is good, every day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Time slips by so quickly...don't waste a moment! If you love someone, tell them..don't wait! Don't hold back. You never know when you will have another chance to be generous with your love, with your words, with your affections. You will never have another chance to live THIS moment in time ever again. Make it your best moment!

  • Don't wait for the phone call..MAKE the phone call!
  • Don't wait for someone else to say they're sorry--SAY it first...and forgive even before that! You might not have another chance..Life is just a heartbeat...a breath..
  • PURSUE peace...don't wait for it to just happen...GO AFTER it...
  • hug the babies...all the babies
  • ignore peoples quirks..just ignore them... don't sweat that small stuff...
  • PLEASE DO stop and smell the flowers
  • Eat the brownie..just EAT it... and ENJOY it...
  • Most of all, look for the blessings...look for the good. I am saying this to MYSELF today. Count those blessing out and say them out loud. Out loud to the Lord, and out loud to others. Do NOT hold back, no withholding...let your love spill over.


Another Sunday that I am not in church...I am SO thankful for our worship service being available online! Nicholas got really sick with a swollen and infected throat, so he came home yesterday afternoon and Craig took him to the doctor...I am sorry he is sick, but I was so glad to have him here. I got the chance to fuss over him a little bit...It has been hard to stay encouraged today, for some, I decided to start a list of things I want to do when I get well. Trying to think GOOD thoughts...

Here is the list so far, not in any order:

  • CBS
  • Attend Lydia's graduation in May...
  • Sunrise service on Easter
  • go to Disney with Paige and Paul
  • go to the grocery store! for a BIG shopping!
  • Cook for my family! A BIG DINNER...on a regular basis
  • finish my scrapbooks
  • plant my garden
  • day trip to Lancaster, to the Pfaltzgraff outlet
  • a walk in the woods
  • Going out to dinner
  • Going out to lunch
  • Going out for breakfast! lol
  • paint the kitchen cabinets
  • go visiting people, especially a shut-in
  • go to the beach
  • go the Women's Ministry meetings
  • lose 40 pounds
  • get a new haircut
  • visit Eastern University
  • visit Rutgers University
  • drive Michael wherever he wants to go
  • learn to paint
  • Have a big party for NO reason...
  • touch my toes without
  • join a gym
  • go back to my Bible Study, and be the Craft lady again
  • read more books
  • go to an amusement park
  • go to NYC and walk around for the whole entire day
  • go to Luke and Aaron's graduation
  • go to WICKED again
  • do the WHOLE Target...
  • clean out my craftroom
  • Babysit
  • to be CON'T...


Waiting for the phone to ring...waiting for the answer...waiting for the test result....which path will I be taking? God only knows...Lord, let me be found faithfully waiting...I know the Lord knows the answer already. He just hasn't told me yet. I know exactly what He wants me to know this moment.

Waiting can be loud, like a pounding in the ears...but sometimes--in better times-- its quiet--like the swiftly falling snowflakes--each thought swirling down to peacefully land on a white blanketed world. Waiting waiting waiting...

Today I wait quietly. My thoughts are falling peacefully down and landing in God's hand...He holds my dizziness for me...He holds the pain that I have in my side... He holds the heart pounding....I love that He is capable of taking all these things onto Himself, and I can let Him carry me through.


God blessed me last night with a FULL night's unbroken sleep! It is the first time I have slept through the night since November! When I looked at the clock this morning, it was 6:30 am. That's LATE for me! Not only that, but when I awoke I was shaky with a bit of a low blood I ate a bowl of cereal and lay down on the sofa--and fell asleep for another hour! I cannot describe how grateful I am! I am SO thankfull! Praise God! He meets our needs, as He knows our true needs, and knows them best!

Also, I am grateful to have been able to attend my home fellowship last night! I haven't been in church for a month, or my Bible study for over a month...that lack of fellowship has probably been the hardest part of everything...BUT, God has certainly sent sweet fellowship to my home, and as always the timing was perfect... Old friends, new friends...have stopped in and blessed me with companionship, food, even household chores. They have prayed with me, which is an answer to MY prayers. In fact, I want to mention a new friend--- Katherine. A dear couple from my church has been doting on me, and the family--making lots of food..taking Mike here and there, always calling me and fussing over me. I am not used to this, as I have enjoyed being the one to fuss over OTHERS...but, what a blessing to receive this love gracefully, and I thank the Lord for it...Anyway, this dear couple has a neighbor/friend who is 93 years old---sweet Katherine. She is a prayer WARRIOR---- they have been telling me that Katherine has been praying for me. I have wanted to meet this dear old saint, and I got my wish unexpectadly last week, on Valentines Day. My friends had stopped to bring me flowers for V-day, and they had Katherine in the car...they asked if they could bring her in, and I excitedly said YES! Katherine wanted to pray for me in person! After telling me stories of her life growing up, and of her testimony of living for Jesus all those years, it came time to pray. She took my hand, and brought us before the throne...I cannot describe how amazing it is when a dear old saint prays over you...I havent had the opportunity many times, but this is one I will NEVER forget...her hand was SO strong, her grip powerful--her prayer was full of praise ...It is an awesome thing to hear the prayers of an old saint--one who has known her Savior for her WHOLE life---a LONG life...and the wisdom of living through many trials over the years... With 100% confidence she prayed for my healing, and we praised the Lord together in thanksgiving for all He is doing, and WILL do...

Katherine was here for about an hour, and the blessings that came from this meeting are I am thanking the Lord for Katherine!!! And I hope to have the opprtunity to spend time with her again soon...


God is teaching me so much about depending on Him...I spend so much time by myself, praying to make it to the time that Craig gets home...this faintness truly has me in a place of total dependence on Him. Today I can't even sit up I am so faint. I can't shake it and I can't fight it...and I don't even know why I feel this way yet. But, I am reminded today that God never leaves me. Again I say these words over and over to myself:

" 8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8

I am determined to hang in as long as I can, but I have to admit Heaven sounds better and better..and better! Which brings me to the blessing of this day. Today God gave me Hannah. Hannah is a young girl that I have not ever met in person. In fact, she passed away last Sunday. She had a serious and incurable lung problem. A friend of mine sent me an email today with a link to the live broadcast of her memorial service that was held in Philadelphia this morning....

Hannah loved the Lord. She has been sick for many years, and passed away at about 16 years old, I believe. Hannah didn't know a day when she didn't know the Lord, and dealt with her illness with courage and full reliance on God. In fact, her motto was "F.R.O.G.--Fully Relying on God". I watched her service live, and wept right along with her loved ones, feeling as if I knew this amazing girl...She knew her place was in Heaven, knew she was headed there soon. She even wrote a note to her family and friends that was placed in the bulletin. It read: "Dear Friends-Please be happy I am in Heaven with God, and I'm perfect now. I don't get tired or cough. I can ice-skate and play the hardest piano music without even practicing. Best of all, I can play with Jesus all the time. I will be waiting for you!! :-) Love-Hannah"

Her entire testimony can be found here:

This precious girl was such a blessing to me today...such an encouragement! God has used this child in such amazing ways, in so many people's lives...It really makes me think about my disease, my situation..I feel like God used her to get me to the right place in my own heart about the suffering. I am lonely, but I am not alone...The Lord is with me the whole of every day, and I am seeking to be Fully Relying on, night and every moment in between...

Thank you Lord for Hannah Cohen, who is dancing before you today! Thank you for the HOPE that she reminded me of today, when I needed it. Thank her for me!


Friends brought a delicious dinner tonight! Lasagna, salad, bread and fresh made pumpkin ice cream! Just Craig, Mike and me. Craig ordered me a "Pajama-Gram" , delivered by the UPS! is actually very thoughtful, as I need new pjs for the hospital. They are fuzzy and pink and warm. How sweet! I never knew that you could have pajamas delivered so cleverly! I so appreciate that he would listen to what I really need rather than insisting upon the flowers and candy tradition.. my knight in shining armor is now doing the dishes and I sit here wishing I could do something amazing for him. Yet he tells me that just being his wife IS amazing. I am a blessed woman..


I have become very familiar with the four walls of my living room! I have been in the house for a week now...and I am amazingly not completely tired of it here. I am not really feeling well enough to do anything anyway, so I really don't mind being kept here at home--I have had blessing after blessing come my way here in my friends have gotten together a plan for me not to have to be alone when I am this faint and dizzy...they are standing beside me and encouraging me all the way...someone arrives by 10 am and they stay a few hours, or until I feel well enough for them to go...I stand amazed at this provision for me. God provides for my every need, every single day. I have even had someone volunteer to come wash the dog, and clip him! Another angel did my grocery shopping, and yet another one is coming to clean on Tuesday...I keep telling the Lord that I want to get well so that I can be an angel for someone ELSE..but for now, He has me on the receiving end-- I praise Him, and thank ALL OF YOU! I appreciate all this, and your prayers, more than I can explain...


I am struggling with anxious thoughts today--trying not to entertain thoughts of "What if..." So I am trying to fill my mind with verses that banish anxiety and fear: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters ... they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God" (Isaiah 43:1-3). So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) I consider our present sufferings insignificant compared to the glory that will soon be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18) Dear friends, don't be surprised by the fiery troubles that are coming in order to test you. Don't feel as though something strange is happening to you, but be happy as you share Christ's sufferings. Then you will also be full of joy when he appears again in his glory. (I Peter 4:12-13) He (God) comforts us whenever we suffer. That is why whenever other people suffer, we are able to comfort them by using the same comfort we have received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:24)


Its Saturday today, and Craig was able to sleep in...the 12 hour shifts are really tiring him out, but he never complains...I finally got out of bed at 6, because I was shaking and dizzy and didn't want to bother Craig.
I really grabbed hold of the fact this morning that nothing can happen to me that God doesn't know about, care about, and even allow. Because of the adrenaline issue, I have to be mindful not to watch anything stressful of scary, so I fill those early mornings with my favorite Little House on the Prairie, and Discovery Channel favs like "Survivor Man" and "How'd they make that?". When I think of this special man that God gave to me, and how little we knew about what we would face when we said "for better of for worse"...I am awestruck. Awestruck at his faithfulness, strength, courage and patience. He never makes me feel like a burden, even though this situation MUST be a burden to him...He just keeps telling me "we WILL get thought his"..and I know how genuine he is, and I can't help but believe him. Somehow, some way, we WILL get through this.
Craig's name means: "strong foothold"...and he truly is...
Till later...