Monday, July 7, 2008


It is summer now..the lazy hazy days of summer....the two middle kids are home from college, and Christopher is on summer break in Pennsylvania. What a challenge this year, to get the summer are needed, direction is being prayed health issues have persisted ...and I am praying to stay in that peaceful place of trusting the Lord. I have been tempted many times this summer to take my eyes off Christ, and give in to worry...I just keep on praying, and bringing my attitude before God.
For every anxious thought that threatens me, I am confessing it...for every moment that my heart is tempted to stray to unbelief, I am taking my thoughts captive...the Lord will help me keep those thoughts at bay--His power is made perfect in weakness!
I am so thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has truly poured out on me...I am surrounded by kids and their sweethearts, who love me, support me, and are there for me unconditionally. A husband who is a ROCK...and most importantly, my Savior, who NEVER fails me...who NEVER sleeps or slumbers...who remains my steadfast anchor.
Praise the Lord!