God is teaching me so much about depending on Him...I spend so much time by myself, praying to make it to the time that Craig gets home...this faintness truly has me in a place of total dependence on Him. Today I can't even sit up I am so faint. I can't shake it and I can't fight it...and I don't even know why I feel this way yet. But, I am reminded today that God never leaves me. Again I say these words over and over to myself:
" 8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8
I am determined to hang in as long as I can, but I have to admit Heaven sounds better and better..and better! Which brings me to the blessing of this day. Today God gave me Hannah. Hannah is a young girl that I have not ever met in person. In fact, she passed away last Sunday. She had a serious and incurable lung problem. A friend of mine sent me an email today with a link to the live broadcast of her memorial service that was held in Philadelphia this morning....
Hannah loved the Lord. She has been sick for many years, and passed away at about 16 years old, I believe. Hannah didn't know a day when she didn't know the Lord, and dealt with her illness with courage and full reliance on God. In fact, her motto was "F.R.O.G.--Fully Relying on God". I watched her service live, and wept right along with her loved ones, feeling as if I knew this amazing girl...She knew her place was in Heaven, knew she was headed there soon. She even wrote a note to her family and friends that was placed in the bulletin. It read: "Dear Friends-Please be happy I am in Heaven with God, and I'm perfect now. I don't get tired or cough. I can ice-skate and play the hardest piano music without even practicing. Best of all, I can play with Jesus all the time. I will be waiting for you!! :-) Love-Hannah"
Her entire testimony can be found here: http://www.tenth.org/index.php?id=355
This precious girl was such a blessing to me today...such an encouragement! God has used this child in such amazing ways, in so many people's lives...It really makes me think about my disease, my situation..I feel like God used her to get me to the right place in my own heart about the suffering. I am lonely, but I am not alone...The Lord is with me the whole of every day, and I am seeking to be Fully Relying on GOD...day, night and every moment in between...
Thank you Lord for Hannah Cohen, who is dancing before you today! Thank you for the HOPE that she reminded me of today, when I needed it. Thank her for me!
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