Time slips by so quickly...don't waste a moment! If you love someone, tell them..don't wait! Don't hold back. You never know when you will have another chance to be generous with your love, with your words, with your affections. You will never have another chance to live THIS moment in time ever again. Make it your best moment!
- Don't wait for the phone call..MAKE the phone call!
- Don't wait for someone else to say they're sorry--SAY it first...and forgive even before that! You might not have another chance..Life is just a heartbeat...a breath..
- PURSUE peace...don't wait for it to just happen...GO AFTER it...
- hug the babies...all the babies
- ignore peoples quirks..just ignore them... don't sweat that small stuff...
- PLEASE DO stop and smell the flowers
- Eat the brownie..just EAT it... and ENJOY it...
- Most of all, look for the blessings...look for the good. I am saying this to MYSELF today. Count those blessing out and say them out loud. Out loud to the Lord, and out loud to others. Do NOT hold back, no withholding...let your love spill over.
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