I really grabbed hold of the fact this morning that nothing can happen to me that God doesn't know about, care about, and even allow. Because of the adrenaline issue, I have to be mindful not to watch anything stressful of scary, so I fill those early mornings with my favorite Little House on the Prairie, and Discovery Channel favs like "Survivor Man" and "How'd they make that?". When I think of this special man that God gave to me, and how little we knew about what we would face when we said "for better of for worse"...I am awestruck. Awestruck at his faithfulness, strength, courage and patience. He never makes me feel like a burden, even though this situation MUST be a burden to him...He just keeps telling me "we WILL get thought his"..and I know how genuine he is, and I can't help but believe him. Somehow, some way, we WILL get through this.
Craig's name means: "strong foothold"...and he truly is...
Till later...
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